We are committed to maintaining your privacy when you shop on this website. However, when you place an order, we will collect some of your personal information such as your name, email address, mobile number, delivery address, payment details and password. If we ask for your personal information for a purpose like marketing, we will either ask you directly, or give you a chance to say no. We will never reveal your information to third parties; however we may disclose the same if required by law. Your payment transaction details are stored as long as it is necessary to complete your transaction, post which it is deleted. We will never hold your confidential payment information.
We will also collect some of your information such as your IP address, country, the pages you viewed and the advertisements you clicked on, the URL you came from, even when you are do not place an order, which will help us improve in future.
We reserve the right to modify this policy any time, so please review this frequently.